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Matthew G. Bailey Scholarship Award

Matthew G. Bailey Scholarship Award

Matthew G Bailey

The award honors Matt Bailey, a senior geography major killed in a tragic accident in February 1998. Matt was an excellent student, who was working on a minor in Japanese, and spent considerable time in Japan learning its culture and language. He was an active participant in GTU field trips. The scholarship in Matt's name affirms the importance of field work to geographers, and honors the memory of a capable young geographer.

The Scholarship Committee of the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning invites applications for the Matthew G. Bailey Scholarship Award. This fund supports student field work.


Award(s) will be made to undergraduate and/or graduate students in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University to support field work that will culminate in a B.A., B.S., M.A. or Ph.D. degree in Geography or Ph.D. degree in Geographic Information Science at Arizona State University.

 Applicants must submit the following:
  1. Plain cover sheet with name, 10-digit ID number, and the name of the award you are applying for
  2. Letter of recommendation:
    • Undergraduate - from a faculty member in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at ASU
    • Graduate - from the chair of the student's supervisory committee.
  3. Written proposal not to exceed two pages.  It must include project title, problem statement and the context of research, methodology, justification of field work, and anticipated significance of the research.
  4. An estimated budget outlining how the funds will be spent. Funds may be used to support travel as well as expendable field supplies related to field work.
  5. Unofficial copy of ASU transcript.
  6. Within nine months of receiving the award, the student must submit a 1000-word summary of findings to the Scholarship Committee.
  7. Recipients must acknowledge the award in publications arising from the research.

Application instructions:

Please submit a single PDF file containing all your application materials, including an unofficial copy of your ASU transcript, to no later than March 1. Please use the following naming convention: award for your application file: Award - last name, first name (ex. “Bailey Scholarship – Smith, John”). When submitting, please copy and paste the name of your file into the subject line of your email.

Only complete applications submitted in accordance with the instructions will be considered by the awards committee. It is the responsibility of each applicant to ensure their application is complete and formatted as required. And please remember - if the scholarship for which you’re applying requires a letter of support from a faculty member, please let them know as soon as possible to ensure they have time to complete it.


Award amount:

Awards up to $2000 will be given.

Award Recipients:


2023-2024Gisel Guzman-Echavarria, "Decoding The Individual Heat
Experience: Assessing Personal Heat Exposure, Adaptative Responses,
and Non-Life-Threatening Health Outcomes"
2021-2022Garima Jain, "Drivers of Adaptation and Tipping Points in
Coastal Social-Environment Systems"
2020-2021Hiroaki Onishi, "Analysis of Contemporary Ryukyuan Community:
Community Behind the U.S. and Japan"
2019-2020Kelley Madeline, "Novel Aeolian Field Instrumentation to
Improve Sediment Transport Models"
2018-2019Ryan Heintzman, "Analysis of Site-Specific Climate
Variability in Joshua Tree National Park"

Griffin Petri, "When Seconds Count: Improving Search
and Rescue Outcomes Using Small Unmanned Aerial Systems"

Yining Tan, "Skilled US Migration to China: Transnational
and Local (Im)mobility"


Gabriel Carlos Leon, "The Recent Status of Water Resources
in Papagueria"

Asif Ishtiaque, "Vulnerability, Adaptation, and Scale: An analysis
of cross-scalar nature of vulnerability and multilevel adaptation
governance network in Bangladesh"

20152016Flores Shalae, “The Politics of Water: Centering Marginalized
Voices amid Climate Change”

Bratt Jonathan, “Aesthetics and Urban Public Space in China”

Puyang Li, “Land Acquisitions in Africa: The Rationale, Impacts,
and Teleconnections of Chinese Sisal Production in Kilosa, Tanzania”

Qunshan Zhao, “Tree shade effects on house surface
temperature in an urban desert environment”


John Connors, "The social-ecological matrix: Livelihood and
landscape diversity amid agricultural development in Tanzania"

Emily Kaba, "Tafoni formations: Comparing tafoni genesis in
Central Arizona to the Middle East"


Zack Bowles, "Slope and grain size relationships on lithologically
distinct, stable pediment surfaces"

Jesse Sayles, "Practitioner evaluation of a social-ecological
approach to estuary restoration: integrating social networks and


Shai Kaplan, "Land cover response to climate variability and
human induced land transformation"

Melissa Joy Oubre


Tyler Eltringham, "OneShot"  (International meningitis
vaccination initiative)

Jesse Sayles, "Restoring Estuaries for future changes:
a multi-scalar social-ecological approach"


Abeer Hamdan, "Quantifying the effects of vegetation-types
on streambank erosion during high flood events"

Phillip Larson, "Integration of closed basins in an extensional
tectonic setting, generalizing a model from a case study of the
Salt and Verde Rivers, southwestern USA"

Jose F. Maqueda, "MapScape of a Border Community"


Nick Burkhart, "Using Repeat Photography to Visualize
Transnational Commercial and Tourist Interaction in San Diego" 

Emma Harrison, "Filling a hole in the global carbon budget:
pilot project measuring carbon in desert bedrock"

Jennifer Kitson, "Role of memory on place-making"


Ann Fletchall, "The Real Orange County: Place-Making in a
Mediated World"

Liz Ridder, "The Effects of Political Division on Land
Use/Land Cover and Biodiversity in Cyprus"

Mariela Soto-Berelov, "Determining Bronze Age Human –
Environmental Interaction through Vegetation Modeling in the
Southern Levant (3600 – 1200 BC)"


Lawrence Joseph, “Location Factors and how they Affect
the Sales of Quick-Service Restaurants”

John C. Finn, “Rumba to Samba: Parallel Musical Development
in Latin America”

Stephanie Deitrick, “An Evaluation of the Influence of Experience
on Information Control and User Comprehension of
Uncertainty Visualization”


Marissa Smith, “Peri-urban Expansion in Mexico: A Gendered
Perspective on the Drivers of Land Use Land Cover Change”

Olivia T. Montalvo, “Memorialized Landscape for the Murdered
and Missing Women of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico”


Jason L. Kelly, “Emerging Hispanic/Latino Communities
in the Valley of the Sun”

Jennifer Peters, “Roles of Parks in the Mexican Immigrant


Eve Ng, “Tourism-Stimulated residential migration”

Brendan Yuill, “Ephemeral stream channel adjustments to
an introduced perennial flow”

Tim Collins, “Human ecological change and vulnerability
on Arizona’s Mogollon Rim”

Gabriel Judkins, “Patterns of NAFTA induced land use
change in Mexican Agriculture”


John Douglass, “Looking for a lake to explain Grand Canyon incision”

Daniel Gilewitch, “Tank track scars on desert pavement:
An analysis of soil compaction, moisture infiltration, and
desert pavement regenerative processes”

Matthew Lord, “Exploration of a novel technique for
examining landscape change: A panoramic digital
rephotography study of Laveen, Arizona”

Rob Murray, “Crucial factors in the growth and decline of
boom towns in Arizona and Texas”


Richard Somers, “Comparison of oblique aerial photographs
of north-central Arizona”

Mariela Soto, “Land-use history and change in agricultural
lands in the northern Puerto Rico karst”

Matthew J. Taylor, “Linking Population, Social Capital and the
Environment: Firewood Management in
Post-Conflict Guatemala”

2000–2001Kenneth Madsen, “Crossing A Nation Divided: The O’oham
And The U.S. - Mexico Border”
Julie Sherman, “Biogeography and Dispersal of Indigenous
Fijian Plant Species by Birds and Fruit Bats”
Jean Ann Rodine, “Historical Maps of the Yaqui”
1999–2000Manfred Muller
Paul Mannion
Julie Sherman
Maren Curtis