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Balling Family GIS Fellowship Endowment

Balling Family GIS Fellowship Endowment

The Balling Family GIS Fellowship Endowment was established by ASU Professor Robert C. Balling, Jr. and his sister, Barbara Balling Carl to honor their parents, Robert C. Balling, Sr. and Elinor J. Balling; financial support was also provided by Barbara’s son William Carl. The Endowment supports an annual fellowship award for Geographical Information Systems (GIS) students in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning.

The award is open to graduate students enrolled in the Masters of Advanced Study in Geographic Information Systems (MAS-GIS) program and will be based on outstanding performance defined by a combination of grades, participation, and other academic performance measures defined by the Selection Committee.

The Director of the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning will appoint a Selection Committee consisting of school faculty and staff. Nominations will be requested from instructors in the MAS-GIS program and the Committee will select the recipient from the nominations. The recipient will receive the fellowship award in the spring semester at the annual awards reception.


Award Recipients:

2023-2024Megan Henriksen
2022-2023Alex Ford
2021-2022Margaret Tueller
2019-2020Arnold Chi Kedia
2018-2019Jesse Haagenson

Huntington Keith

2016-2017Tiffany Finke
20152016Madison Davis
20142015Meggan Dugan
2013–2014Lucille Aubrecht
2012–2013Rodney Carlson
2011–2012Chrystine Trooien
2010–2011Kihwan Seo
2009–2010Donald Thorstenson
2008–2009Constantinos Papantoniou 
2008–2009Jesse Ballew
2008–2009Patrick Whiteford