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Graduate Degrees

Graduate Certificate

Geographic Information Science

Complement your graduate degree with in-demand professional skills. The increase in geographical data from cell phones, satellites, big data and Google Maps is expected to continue at a higher than average pace, and that means an increased market demand for people trained in the spatial analysis skills.

Ready to apply state-of-the-art geospatial analysis methods to social, economic and environmental problems? Join a school filled with innovative faculty within the discipline and leading research centers who are forging this path of discovery.

Are you interested in working with computers and new technologies? Do you appreciate thoughtful design? Do you have a passion for problem-solving? Combine these highly marketable skills and interests, and be prepared for an in-demand career.


Geography, MA

Come discover geographical sciences at ASU. This program offers a unique learning environment that places your focus on location --- the heart of geography, urban planning, climatology and geographic information science. With that foundation, you can tackle some of the most pressing environmental and societal challenges facing our world today.

Get on the map with this program offering a unique research environment that places your focus on location --- the heart of geography, urban planning, climatology and GIS. Here, you can engage with distinguished faculty to tackle the pressing environmental and societal challenges facing the world today.

Graduate Certificate

Social Science Research Methods

Are you fascinated by the causes and consequences of human thought and behavior? You may be a social scientist. Boost your data analysis credentials with social science research methods. These skills are highly valued and transferable in the corporate world and in academia.

ASU faculty are advancing transportation research in critical areas, and they will guide you as you learn to analyze transportation in relation to numerous other aspects central to modern life.

Want to make an impact? Prepare to enter the workforce, become a leader in the planning profession and impact your community. Through small classes and practical projects, this two-year professional degree program equips you to solve complex issues in diverse communities.

Learn how to use geography and planning to address complex challenges. This interdisciplinary program is a laboratory for engaging in pressing issues related to planning, including autonomous vehicles, climate change and social equity.