The Spatial Analysis Research Center (SPARC) is a GIScience and earth observing center within the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University. SPARC’s goals are to advance the science and technology of GIScience and earth observing and to lead the transdisciplinary application of spatial data science solutions for addressing novel and impactful research questions.
SPARC researchers are currently investigating a wide variety of topics, creating new processes for spatial analysis, and helping to provide deeper insight into our world.
Our research focuses on spatial statistical model specification, clustering, exploratory analysis, geovisual analytics, spatial optimization and GIS development to address a range of important problems. Application areas include a range of substantive fields, such as regional science, economic geography, environmental economics, criminology, public health, and other social and natural sciences.

Contact us
Main office: Coor Hall, 5th Floor
Phone: 480.965.7533 | Fax: 480.965.8313
Mailing address:
Spatial Analysis Research Center
Arizona State University
P.O. Box 875302
Tempe, AZ 85287-5302
Follow us on Twitter: @SPARC_ASU