Accelerated BSP Urban Planning and MUEP Urban and Environmental Planning
Fast facts
Placement data of Master’s program graduates:
Department of Labor Salary Range for students with a Master’s degree vs. Undergraduate degree
Waived application requirements for accelerated applicants:
*Always consult with financial aid to ensure eligibility
Timeline – From Application to Student:
Freshman – First Semester of Junior Year:
- Direct questions to your undergraduate academic advisors.
Junior Year (January – February):
- Graduate advisor checks your eligibility and will send you information and instructions for the Preliminary Application.
- Meet with undergraduate advisor to plan coursework for senior year.
Junior Year (January 1- March 15):
- Submit Preliminary Application by March 15
- MUEP Director reviews; if Preliminary Application is approved, graduate advisor will contact you with the next steps
Senior Year (June 1/Summer before graduate year):
- Formally apply for Graduate Admission for the upcoming Fall semester (your graduate year).
- MUEP Director reviews and processes admission decision; graduate advisor will contact you with next steps
- Enroll in required graduate level courses for Fall of senior year.
Shared classes
The Master of Urban and Environmental Planning (MUEP) Accelerated Degree program allows students to fast track the Master’s program. Undergraduate students may take up to 18 credit hours of graduate coursework in their senior year.
Senior Year | Graduate Year | |
Fall |
Spring |
* Course has an undergraduate equivalent. In order to ensure that the class will count for credit towards MUEP, students must enroll in the 500+ section as indicated above.
Core and Other Requirements
The listed classes are required and cannot be waived or substituted, with the exception of PUP 542.
PUP 542 may be waived for students who took PUP 442 as part of their ASU undergraduate coursework. Submit the Course Waiver form to check for waiver eligibility. A substitute course for PUP 542 must be chosen from the Approved Environmental Planning Courses list.
PUP 576 may be waived with ample GIS experience. A formal education (degree, certificate, minor) in GIS or specific ASU undergraduate coursework (GIS 211 and/or GIS 311) automatically qualifies students for the waiver. Any other circumstances (other coursework, internship, volunteer, or work experience) must be petitioned. Submit the Course Waiver form to check for waiver eligibility. A substitute course for PUP 576 must be chosen from the Approved Method Course list.
Any graduate level GCU, GIS, GPH, or PUP course may be taken as elective. Interdisciplinary courses may be taken, but must be approved by the department if they are not on the Approved MUEP Electives list. Submit the Petition for Transfer or Interdisciplinary Elective Courses form to request approval. Electives may be taken at any time; the outline above is a guideline for distributing enrollment equitably throughout four semesters. A maximum of 6.0 credits of 400-level coursework may be included on the plan of study but must be approved by the Associate Director of Planning.
Culminating Experience
Culminating experience options are a traditional capstone PUP 580 Planning Workshop (5.0 credits), a professional project PUP 593 Applied Project (5.0 credits), or a thesis PUP 599 Thesis (6.0 credits).
Students electing to do an Applied Project or Thesis must have their Applied Project Scoping Statement or Thesis Proposal signed by all committee members on file to proceed by the time they 1) have earned 75% of the credits required for the MUEP and 2) expect to enroll in their final semester, including the culminating experience credits. Students who do not meet these criteria must 1) change their Plan of Study degree requirements to PUP 580 Planning Workshop culminating experience and 2) enroll the next semester that it is offered.
Beverly Davis
480-965-7533 (main office)
Fernanda Quiroz
480-965-7533 (main office)