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ASU SGSUP Appoints First Presidential Postdoctoral Fellows

ASU’s School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning has appointed Aaron Flores and Lindsay Martin Oluyede as its first Presidential Postdoctoral Fellows as part of ASU’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. The program supports the career development of outstanding Ph.D. recipients with great potential for advancing the ASU Charter through a future tenure track appointment at ASU.

Flores received his bachelor’s and master’s in geography degrees from Texas Tech in Lubbock, Texas, where his research was focused on creating a heat vulnerability index (HVI) for the city. There, he developed a passion for environmental justice research. More recently, he became one of the winners of the Rosalind Franklin Society (RFS) Award in Science 2022.

Martin Oluyede received her bachelor’s degree from Tulane University, a Master of Urban and Regional Planning degree from Virginia Tech and a Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research focuses on what and how we can learn from the lived experiences of transportation-disadvantaged populations to improve transportation equity.

The fellowship program offers postdoctoral research fellowships, professional development, and faculty mentoring to scholars in all fields whose research, teaching, or service contribute to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion at ASU.

Lindsay Martin Oluyede and Aaron Flores are ASU's School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning's first Presidential Postdoctoral Fellows.