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Activity Type:
Enter TBD if unknown
(Start Date/End Date)
If there is no file to upload, add the link in the Funding Announcement Link field.

Other Project Personnel

Allocations table

Please use text box at the end of this form to include any additional information regarding budget requests not indicated in the form below.

Principal Investigator Effort

ex. 1 sum month YR 1&2, 3 AY months Yr 3
Please indicate Co-PI or Senior Personnel or Other Personnel and Position)

Add # of Post Doc, Grad Students, or hourly students and duration (full year, AY, SU)

ex. 2 Full Time GRAs AY 1 thru 3. 1 Hourly GSA Yr 1, summer, FT post doc annually
ASU personnel only
ASU personnel only
ex. 6000 in year one ($1500 external hard drive x 2; $3k laptop for work offsite)
ex. 5000 in year one (printing, voice recorders, etc, with cost breakdown, $2k for reagents; $3k for masks)
ex. 2000 in year one for a TBD consultant ($50/hr for 40 hours of work)
ex. 1500 for page charges (American Anthropologist)

Annual Other Costs (USD)

F&A rate limitation, participant support, human subject pay, cost sharing, subaward specifics.
For each item listed below, indicate if it is involved in this project:
Human Subjects:
Laboratory Animals:
Biological Materials:
Stem Cell Research:
Laboratory Registration:
Native American Involvement:
Hazardous Materials/Waste:
Radiation Safety:
Scientific Driving:
Export Controls:
Will background intellectual property, owned by ASU or another entity, be utilized?
Has the sponsor indicated they want ownership of any IP developed or a license to IP?
Please identify the appropriate research type for this proposal:
Is this proposal part of a ASU Strategic Initiative?
If funded, will the project use any ASU Core Facilities?
If yes, check all that apply:


 (award #, project title, etc.)
Please elaborate in specific detail.
Ex. No cost extension, allocation change, rebudget etc.
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.