What impact do you want to make?
Learn about the factors behind political turmoil in the Middle East, China’s changing economy, and the relationships between globalization and the environment: Geography BA or BS
Learn how our use of water and energy are interrelated, and explore strategies for managing both essential resources: Geography BA or BS
Learn how cities develop neighborhoods where residents can walk, bike or ride light rail to places they need to go, and propose your own ideas for improving cities: Urban Planning BSP
Work on the cutting edge of technology, learning to create new navigation and mapping tools for use on a global scale: Geographic Information Science (GIS) BS
Gain a deep understanding of the factors that control weather and climate, preparing you for a career as a forecaster or graduate studies that will open opportunities for a career in climate research: BS with meteorology concentration
Learn to model and represent earth phenomena – from plant communities to crime occurrences – to understand their shifting arrangements, patterns and interactions: All our degrees
Our degrees

Geographic Information Science (BS)
GIS takes computer science to a new level, specializing in technology that puts companies like Google on the forefront of innovation and navigating the globe.
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Geography (BA)
The BA in geography teaches students to see the world through the twin lenses of space and place.
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Geography (BS)
Geographers have a unique spatial perspective in understanding the modern world, global to local.
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Geography (Meteorology-Climatology) (BS)
The meteorology-climatology concentration under the BS in geography is designed to meet the requirements for certification as a meteorologist by the National Weather Service.

Urban Planning (BSP)
The BSP program in urban planning provides students with expertise in both the analysis and the synthesis of the physical, social, political and economic issues that shape urban and regional development.
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